STAFFRENT™ is the leading employment and recruitment company operating in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Netherlands.

Code of conduct sets out the company’s standards for ethical business conduct and is binding on all employees in their operational activities, including relations with temporary employees, customers and suppliers.

Staffrent code of conduct reflects our values, guides the behaviour of all our employees, at all levels, wherever they conduct work.



OUR MISSION – we offer our support when you need it most.


We operate as responsible citizens and respect the international agreements on human rights.


We are obliged to respect the rights of employees to join, to form trade unions or similar external representative associations of collective bargaining. We are not entitled to terminate any contract with employees solely because of their trade union membership.


Forced, slave or similar labour is not used. Any form of forced labour is forbidden. The employees are allowed to move around freely and leave their work place at the end of their work day.


We will not tolerate and will not participate in child labour or taking advantage of children in any other way. The minimum age is sixteen years.

The employees under the age of eighteen cannot perform any dangerous work that could endanger their health, safety or morality.

We take the necessary preventive measures to ensure that we do not employ anyone under the legal age of employment.


Any form of discrimination is prohibited and we do not tolerate discrimination based on race, color of skin, gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, social background, ethnic background, possible disability, religion, political opinion, union membership and any other distinguishing characteristic.

All employees have equal rights and social benfits, unless legal restrictions are applied.

Our employees are not only expected to avoid discrimination in their relationships with each other as well as customers and suppliers, but to encourage others to behave in a proper manner.


All employees understand their employment contract, because they have signed the employment contract before the commencement of work. Contract specifies terms of employment in a way understood by the employees.

Employees’ wages, including compensation for overtime, are paid on time at regular intervals according to the
employment contract. The payment and terms are fair, reasonable and comply with national law.

We abide by the legal standards with respect to the working hours applicable in the countries we operate in.


We do not permit any form of corruption including bribery, extortion, improper offers for payments to or from employees, customers and suppliers, and we follow the law on anti- corruption in the countries where we do business.


We work hard to instill safety awareness among our workforce through the effective training programs, communication and collaboration with customers.

We and our customers work together to ensure that employees are provided with safe and healthy working environment and to prevent them from any accidents and injuries.
The employees are provided with health and safety information and training. Safety
includes: workplace risk assessment, incidents and accidents, safety information, safety hazards, personal protective equipment, first aid equipment and work processes.

The workplace supplies noise level, normal temperature, ventilation, good lighting,
drinking water, sanitary facilities and quality air.


To meet the requirements of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data is one of the most important directions of the company.

In the protection of personal data, we prioritize fair and transparent data processing. We strive to manage data
responsibly and make every effort to ensure the security of personal data.

As within the organization we develop a culture of responsible personal data processing, we educate and train employees to treat personal data with respect and fairness.

The way we process personal data is more fully described in our Privacy Policy.